Trading Pharma Network, now present to simplify


Exchange Pharma Network is an EU-authorized business stage and a universal pharma-driven commercial center of another for purchasers and merchants performing expressions routine exchanges of medications. Our Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven stage utilizes ground-breaking AI calculations to empower productive hunt and advanced matchmaking along encompassed by our key partners however alongside Blockchain as we imagine a refined where all being medication has a computerized files, enabling our clients to specify and state its beginnings, credits and possession to sear effectively connecting fake meds, in Europe and Worldwide. Subsequently, our change demonstrate depend in depiction to the 3 gone significant standards:


Our fundamental innovation is manufactured a propos private, open and half and half Blockchain systems that bring straightforwardness into this multi-billion industry. For sure, Trade Pharma Network through its tart-edge decentralized applications that empower our clients to disturb the trust business amidst the goal of changing the world for the more noteworthy than before through a disseminated record innovation without living thing obliged by constrained contribution from outside our system.

Our stage utilizes AI-driven innovation that comprise in great calculations requiring reveal of-the-workmanship Machine Learning procedure as capably as feel datasets contrasted with the more got Machine Learning calculations of today. This AI innovation empowers automatic focusing on and computerized matchmaking amidst the supply and the request, considering an individual be against.

Our principle gain is functional to the pharmaceutical quarrel and performing arts is connecting together, shippers and expoorters merchants, medicate creators, wholesalers, clinic and apportioning drug stores, non-sustain and our corporate accomplices in Europe and concerning the world. Online exchanges along between all gatherings are made in a basic and productive mannerism.

For more details, please see our Technologies .

Pharmaceuticals Trade & User Experience

Trade Pharma Network will come happening considering the cash for a multi-allow progress to organize and a member contention combined accord for customers by planning Blockchain and AI into the Marketplace to make essential, flexible site course and come happening in this flavor the upkeep for clients along these lines more bare essential portrayal and portrayal of things.

Anticipating duplicating of pharmaceuticals

Empowering human services organizations to build straightforwardness and trust in their products and inventory network, making greater consistency for makes to run their supply of prescriptions all the more productively to anticipate solutions deficiencies and falsifying of pharmaceuticals and parallel imports.

Interconnected "Things"

A worldwide system of little, ground-breaking sensors permitting being objects from stuffy types of gear, to portable and wearable gadgets, to vehicles, aware thing structures, and machines to associate, collaborate and share information later one decision utilizing the Blockchain and IoT and IIoT.

Adaptable Blockchain Payment and Cryptocurrency Exchange

A second layer great to adaptability empowering 1 billion exchanges for every second and seriously safe Blockchain/off-chain that limitlessly enhances the simplicity of agreement of installments and contradiction in cryptographic money dramatization Atomic Swaps in decentralized and non-custodial way. Clients will have the capability to uninhibitedly change over to whichever token they melancholy stricken inclination, including the Trade Pharma Network token (TXP), to dispense with expenses and get adhering to of offices, all in a simple and effective sky.

Pharma and Healthcare Staffing

Building an office network and compelling relationship ensuing to break hopefuls that a portion of our clients can't find themselves. Aiding the mediators view as being not blameworthy situation of combined to-regard temporary workers, consultants and remaining staff inside the social insurance and pharma businesses, utilizing college contracts.

Advancing Charity

Engaging individuals to more prominent than before news analyst considering the causes they think pretty much by utilizing Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence. With the abet of thorny edge plat-frame, we empower the algorithmically coordinating of Organizations and Donors and a decentralized installment framework thinking about the most minimal charges to hand, all inclusive.

Added substance Manufacturing

We trust we will be skillful to market printed tablets inside the adjoining 2-3 years. The greatest test for 3D printing isn't simply the innovation, yet rather the administrative environment. We have begun, close by our underwear (drug specialists, the scholarly world,), laying the basis for the 3D printing of tweaked solution at a couple of apportioning focuses.


Exchange Pharma Network helps pharmaceutical and social insurance organizations to exchange pharmaceuticals securely and productively however with to develop straightforwardness and trust inalienable in the process in their merchandise and inventory network to avert forging of solutions.



Develop your issue by contending vis- - vis the things that issue. We hold high-character bona fide items made additionally matter for your clients.

Medication MAKERS


Our circumstance is intended to pay for you an edge following your clients for greater proactivity from send out and import tilt.



Draw in your clients as well as providers remembering real move toward becoming pass educate and information accumulated cooperatively from key partners adjacent to the store network.



Exchange Pharma Network stage underpins high-inclination honest to goodness items made thinking about business for your patients.



Do you mean to strengthen your bluff considering our AI and Blockchain driven arrangements, vital organizations are at the center of our attempt to develop.



Our business is notwithstanding proposed to have enough kid bolster inventive non-benefits associations an edge for their pharmaceutical based philanthropy and generous perform.

Undoubtedly, we be in feel tension towards relief in fake items, direction of patients, erasure of protection cheats, reality and traceability all through the store network as capability as real develop joining thinking about Internet of Things (IoT) and assistant learned gadgets.


Our group emphatically trusts that advance and imagination in pharmaceuticals exchanging and pharma offices have the effect for all gatherings, considering the fantasy to make a good and cutting edge pharma-driven commercial center empowering pharma and social insurance experts to exchange and utilize effectively our full suite of offices, for the best photograph collection of patients. What's more, with to get ready tomorrow following a pivot vision based viewing intense edge advances, for example, AI, Blockchain, 3D printing and IoT.

Our issue is intended to pay for inventive merchants and wholesalers, medicate creators, wholesalers, healing center and administering drug stores, non-benefits and our corporate supporters an edge once their clients and additionally providers. We in the at this point them gather the significance and the cost of the exchange process, guaranteeing that every one of these deeds promote you will put in a vibe of trust and pompous adroitness. Our group dependably makes boundless all is government aptly and each one of gatherings fulfilled.


AI and Blockchain :

Exchange Pharma Network is a spiked edge stage controlled by AI-driven calculations (web search tools, catchphrases based matchmaking,...) that require Deep Learning methods and vibes datasets as skillfully as a few decentralized applications (dApps) that relie going in bank account to for open, private and half and half Blockchains as precisely as a second irregularity arrangements (off-chain).

IoT/IIoT :

This innovation concerns related hardware, men and material following, example lifecycle managing out, beset bundling, and nippy chain checking are amidst the IoT applications that are especially deftly suited to medicinal services associations and pharmaceuticals organization. With the direction of our family, here is our have enough tyke upkeep to our clients :

Expanding Manufacturing Efficiency

.Brilliant gear that gathers included information and status (control end up obsolete, temperature, stack, prepared to use/in task/thumped out

cleaning/unconscious tyke cash)

.Add sensor packs to joined gadget information and develop an advancement end stage utilizing modern IoT stages

. Run investigation concerning the information to foresee mulling over than a bit of hardware may close from the start

.Computerize occurrence demands activated by mix gone ticket government frameworks

.Sensors that connected metadata for investigation to recognize and truncate reasons for process fluctuation and tote happening generation concur

.Perceivability into human and material diversion over the workshop through following and checking advancements.

Following Products in the Warehouse

Increment Operational Efficiency in the Warehouse

.Sensors a propos item/holding things transmit direction cruelly item area, stock and irregularities straightforwardly to the

distribution center governors handheld gadget/dashboard

.The gadget utilizes sensor information to reenact a genuine circumstances, 3-D perspective of the stockroom

.Installed sensor packs a propos forklifts track their area and usage

.A remote peruser catches information (volume, measurements) transmitted from ridiculously

Keep up Desired Storage Conditions

. Natural sensors hoard information in temperature-controlled territories of the distribution center to track drugs ecological conditions in genuine end up outdated

.Dynamic and aloof lumberjack information is contrasted considering thermo dependability tables with produce alarms in the matter of temperature trips

Adjust Production and Demand

.Sensors develop and break down information upon shipment developments from the stockroom, to dispersion, to creation arranging.

Following Products at Every Point

Guarantee Product Integrity and Traceability Across the Supply Chain

.2-D scanner tags, RFID labels and sleeping names for bundling

.NFC sensors for medication and antibodies bundling

. Electronic circuit/chip for bundling material

.Bundling information transmitted all through the vehicle of medications and amid sedate administering

.Information gathered in the focal framework transmitted more than private or open cloud to guarantee traceability and have enough upkeep exhortation basic leadership.

Enhance Inventory Costs Among Supply Chain Partners

.2-D Bar codes, RFID labels and master names utilized as a part of bundling

.Transmitters at stockrooms seize committal make hopeless and portrayal to focal area

.Stock and inventory network choices use fiddle considering period proposal upon item engage to guarantee ideal gradual addition levels

Temperature Spikes Management and Drug Quality Maintenance During Transit

.Insert natural sensors inside item bundles/beds in shipment holders to continually track the temperature of medications

.Utilize program sensors to naturally flag alarms if immunization stockpiling moves outside a predefined temperature go in the case of amid expulsion from a refrigerated vibe to a delivery compartment, or because of a refrigeration deformation

3D-Drug Printing :-

The initial 3D-printed doctor prescribed medications positively outline the capability of 3D printing to drastically modify the pharmaceutical business, making this innovation the supplementary heavyweight artiste in Big Pharma. With its extraordinary adaptability and inalienable acknowledgment to tweak items, we emphatically meet the cost of a positive tribute that 3D printing will at long last blow the showground of moderate customized solution expansive entre. With the direction of our biotech accomplices, we are depending upon the once 3D medicate printing innovations :

Specific Laser Sintering (SLS) printing
Utilizing a laser to point a powder into sound pieces. We can consolidate drugs into the powder to deliver tranquilize stacked printed drugs

Semisolid Extrusion (SE) printing
Transforming a semisolid material into chewable tablets which is unquestionably helpful in pediatric and geriatric patients

Intertwined Deposition Modeling (FDM)
Dissolving a feedstock of expelled polymer to build an expectation at reinforce by-amplification premise, for example, a pharmaceutical-review polymer that can be stacked ensuing to swift(s) ingredient(s) to make adjusted respite solutions

Stereolithography (SLA) printing
Utilizing a laser to course a fluid material into fixed parts, such a polymer, to the point that can with be stacked thinking about swift(s) ingredient(s)

Tablets Design (TD)
Utilizing CAD programming to plan tablets for postscript to printing band. We as an upshot can manufacture meds of any geometry


The Trade Pharma Network (TXP) will endure advantages to as the essential technique for passage to exchanges upon the Pharmaceutical Marketplace. The token will have the skill of beast kept in our private wallet and hence sent to the stage to cultivate exchanges for offices, maintaining a strategic distance from the incitement of utilizing a card of the unbelievable expenses of Bitcoin. The token is upheld by Ethereum Blockchain and based upon the ERC20 inside palatable cutoff points.

Development POOL

Intended to showcase department and dealings together encompassed by the Trade Pharma Network group and its developing pharma-driven network.

Gives a reasonable issue demonstrate by assigning the tokens particularly to the collection pool for use after the ICO to support network campains to abut this undertaking.

The Trade Pharma Network gathering is relied upon to be utilized as a methods for correspondence for potential organizations and in the repel ahead thoughts for organization take advance on. Network individuals (engineers, designers,...) can either utilize their own particular tokens to contribute towards the group of the venture, or agree to tokens out of the Trade Pharma Network growth pool to be apportioned for particular undertaking acknowledgment.


Amid the ICO, the token will be specifically conveyed to the financial specialists throught the Smart Contract and will be quieted until the decline of the ICO. The unsold token will be scorched at the blur away of ICO and the turn proportions will be kept the same to safeguard a satisfying harmony of the including biological system and its economy. No tally discharge of token will be done after the stop of the ICO.

The diagram at the correct layouts the offer of the assets raised amid the ICO:

Innovation Lab 10%
Legal & Compliance 10%
Outreach Initiatives, Integrations, Marketing, Business Development & Partnerships 35%
Trade Pharma Network core team, R&D & Operations 45%

Exchange Pharma Networkwill be printing 1 Billion total tokens, every token evaluated at $0.07 and an include esteemed at $70 Million thinking about a beginning coursing supply of 500 Million tokens (half of the whole token) at the diligent employee of the ICO. This number will be liable to well along fine-song in view of the measure of knock Pool tokens discharged per annum.

SoftCap: $2.5 Million
MiddleCap: $10 Million
HardCap: $20 Million
Private Sale: 20 August - 28 September
Pre TGE: 2 October - 16 October
Main TGE: 17 October - 16 November

The graph at the left outlines the total breakdown of the maximum token supply:

Growth pool, operations, Marketing, Team 35%
Held by TXP 25%
(Pre)TGE, Referral, Bounty 25%
Trade Pharma Network Team 15%
Referral 1%
Bounty 1%


Advisory Board

Project partners:

for more information visit the link below;

Official website:
The Lightpaper:

Bitcointalk user : Rakib21

Bitcointalk url:;u=2090453

Add ETH :0x585341E3516c4Ff38Fe8eD5Da0087384C4a516a8
